Why Did Eskimo Pie Change Its Name ?

Why did Eskimo Pie change its name

The world of branding is ever-evolving, and one of the most significant changes in recent years has been the renaming of Eskimo Pie. The popular ice cream treat, which has been a part of American culture for nearly a century, decided to rebrand due to growing concerns over the cultural sensitivity of its name. The question on many people’s minds is: Why did Eskimo Pie change its name? In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind the name change, the process involved, and the broader implications for brands in today’s socially conscious market.

The History of Eskimo Pie

Eskimo Pie has been a beloved ice cream brand for decades. Introduced in the 1920s, it quickly became a favorite treat for many. The name “Eskimo” was chosen at a time when the term was commonly used in American culture. However, over time, the term “Eskimo” became increasingly viewed as outdated and even offensive by many, particularly among the Inuit and other Arctic Indigenous peoples.

Why the Name Became Controversial

The term Eskimo has long been used to describe Indigenous peoples of the Arctic region. However, as society has become more aware of cultural sensitivities, the term has come under scrutiny. Many Inuit people, for instance, consider the term derogatory because it was imposed by non-Indigenous colonizers and is not a term they use to describe themselves. As awareness grew, so did the pressure on brands using the term to reconsider their branding.

In the context of the History of Inuit People, it’s essential to understand that the term “Eskimo” does not reflect the diversity and richness of their cultures. Therefore, the growing movement toward respecting cultural identities played a crucial role in the decision to change the name.

Public Pressure and the Decision to Change

The decision to change the name of Eskimo Pie did not happen overnight. In recent years, there has been a significant shift in public opinion, particularly in response to social movements like Black Lives Matter. These movements have brought issues of racial and cultural sensitivity to the forefront, prompting many brands to reconsider their names and logos.

Eskimo Pie’s parent company, Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, recognized the need to align the brand with contemporary values. They acknowledged that the term “Eskimo” could be seen as offensive and outdated. As a result, they decided to change the name to something that would better reflect the brand’s values and respect for cultural diversity.

The Process of Rebranding

Rebranding a product that has been around for nearly a century is no easy task. The decision to rename Eskimo Pie involved careful consideration and consultation with various stakeholders. Dreyer’s wanted to ensure that the new name would honor the brand’s legacy while also being respectful to all communities.

After much deliberation, the company chose the name “Edy’s Pie.” This name pays tribute to one of the company’s founders, Joseph Edy, and also reflects a commitment to inclusivity. The process involved not just renaming the product but also redesigning the packaging to reflect the new brand identity.

For those interested in creating their own version of this iconic treat, check out this Best Homemade Eskimo Pie Popsicle Recipe, which offers a delightful way to enjoy the classic flavor at home.

Public Reaction to the New Name

When Edy’s Pie was officially announced as the new name, reactions were mixed. Some people applauded the decision, seeing it as a necessary step toward greater cultural sensitivity. Others were more skeptical, questioning whether the change was necessary. However, the overall response was positive, with many consumers appreciating the company’s efforts to respect cultural differences.

The name change also had a broader impact on the brand’s market presence. While some longtime fans of the ice cream expressed nostalgia for the original name, the rebranding did not significantly affect sales. In fact, the positive publicity surrounding the name change likely helped to boost the brand’s image among a new generation of consumers who value inclusivity and respect for all cultures.

Impact on Other Brands

Edy’s Pie is not the only brand that has faced scrutiny over its name in recent years. Several other companies have also rebranded in response to similar concerns. For example, brands like Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben’s have also changed their names to move away from racially insensitive imagery and language.

This trend reflects a broader movement in corporate America to address issues of racism and cultural insensitivity. Companies are increasingly recognizing that their brands must evolve to align with modern values. As a result, many are taking proactive steps to ensure that their products do not perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

You might also be interested in how other classic treats are made at home, such as this Mud Pie Red Robin Recipe, which brings another beloved dessert into your kitchen.

Corporate Responsibility in Modern Branding

The decision to change the name of Eskimo Pie highlights the growing importance of corporate responsibility in branding. Today’s consumers are more socially conscious than ever, and they expect the brands they support to reflect their values. This means that companies can no longer afford to ignore issues of cultural sensitivity.

Brands that fail to address these concerns risk alienating their customers and damaging their reputation. On the other hand, companies that take steps to be more inclusive and respectful can strengthen their brand loyalty and appeal to a broader audience. This shift in consumer expectations has made corporate responsibility a critical aspect of modern branding.

Broader Implications of the Name Change

The renaming of Eskimo Pie is part of a larger trend in which brands are reevaluating their identities to ensure they are not perpetuating harmful stereotypes. This movement is not just about changing names or logos; it’s about companies taking responsibility for the impact their brands have on society.

As more brands undergo similar transformations, the hope is that this will lead to a more inclusive and respectful marketplace. By acknowledging the power of words and images, companies can help to foster a culture of understanding and respect. This is not just good for business; it’s also good for society as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Eskimo Pie change its name?

Eskimo Pie changed its name due to growing concerns that the term “Eskimo” is outdated and offensive, particularly to Indigenous Arctic communities. The company recognized the need to respect cultural sensitivities and chose to rebrand.

What is the new name of Eskimo Pie?

The new name of Eskimo Pie is Edy’s Pie, chosen to honor one of the company’s founders… Joseph Edy, while also reflecting a commitment to inclusivity.

How did the public react to the name change?

Public reactions were mixed, but generally positive. Many people appreciated the company’s efforts to be more culturally sensitive, while others felt nostalgic about the original name.

How does the name change impact the brand?

The name change has helped Edy’s Pie align with modern values, likely strengthening its appeal among consumers who value inclusivity. The rebranding did not significantly impact sales, and the positive publicity may have even enhanced the brand’s image.

Are other brands making similar changes?

Yes, several other brands.. Including Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben’s, have also rebranded in response to concerns about racial and cultural insensitivity. This reflects a broader movement in corporate America toward greater inclusivity.


In conclusion, the decision to rename Eskimo Pie to Edy’s Pie was a significant step in addressing cultural sensitivity and aligning the brand with contemporary values. This change is part of a broader trend in which companies are reevaluating their brands to ensure they are inclusive and respectful to all communities. As society continues to evolve, it is likely that more brands will undergo similar transformations.. Reflecting a growing commitment to social responsibility in the marketplace.

The name change of Eskimo Pie serves as a reminder that words matter. By choosing to rebrand, the company has shown that it is willing to listen to the concerns of its consumers and take action to be more inclusive. This decision is not just about changing a name.. It’s about fostering a culture of respect and understanding in the world of branding.

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